How to cancel or change your booking: Please contact us by email or telephone as soon as possible to make any changes or cancel a booking after you have received the final booking confirmation referred to in clause 5.3 above. Any amendments or cancellations will be confirmed by an email from us to the address entered at the time the booking was created by you.

Cancellation fees

In the event of cancellation of a booking the following charges apply:

  • If a booking is cancelled between 12 and 24 hours before the scheduled start time, the client will be charged 50% of the agreed-upon booking price.
  • If a booking is cancelled less than 12 hours before the scheduled start time, the client will be charged the full amount of the agreed-upon booking price.
  • All payments made are non-refundable if the passenger fails to show up at the designated pickup time and location.
  • Packaged or Discounted bookings: in the event of cancellation or alteration of such a booking, we reserve the right to remove any discounts previously applied.

Passenger collection

No-Shows without cancellation will be charged at 100%. A No-Show is a ride in which the passenger does not appear at the agreed pickup location within 30 minutes after the pickup time unless it is unavoidably delayed (e.g., flight, cruise or train delay)
